Thursday, September 3, 2009

Healing Powers of Water

We know that water is good for us.
We know that we need water to survive
and we also know that we need to drink water to flush out toxins from our body.
That's why there's even Water Therapy for Health.

on the subject of water,
and following the previous post about Distilled water and Dr. Masaru Emoto water crystals.

I found that Dr. Masaru Emoto research on Water to be extremly fascinating.

The True Power of Water: Healing and Discovering Ourselves
The Hidden Messages in Water
The Healing Power of Water
by Dr. Masaru Emoto

I was at a book store one day and just stumbled upon his books, and to me, it felt like I was looking at magic books, it's like "come one, there's no way that this is true"
That's actually the reason I bought the book in the first place ;p

But hey, I've seen movies where ancient medicine man chant/say prayers on a glass of water and then sprinkle it on someone's face to cure a disease or to ward off evil spirits. Maybe they know something we don't know.
Then what about Holy water at church, or the miraculous water at Lourdes, France ?

Okay... so I started reading the book without negative assumptions. and it all kinda make sense.
Water apparently can sense (read, hear, etc) positive thoughts/energy and it's shown in the form of a beautiful water crystals, and negative energy doesn't form beautiful water crystals.

His studies also reveals that water in a transparent glass container that is placed near electronic equipments (TV, computers, etc) doesn't form the water crystals, but after he put a note saying "Love" and stick it to the glass water container, it forms the crystal.
And also, if the TV actually shows a beautiful soothing scenery (instead of junk shows), the water forms water crystals.
Crazy huh.... but true :)

Here's a Video of Beautiful Water Crystals forming when the water is exposed to soothing music, words spoken, words typed, pictures and videos.
Positive and Negative Energy Effect on Water Crystals

There was another interesting experiment, called the Rice Experiment.
where rice is put into 3 separate containers for 30 days or more.
Container 1 has "Thank you" written on it, container 2 has "You Fool" and container 3 is completely ignored.
Result :
After 30 days,
the "Thank you" rice in container 1 stays good and white
the "You Fool" rice in container 2 becomes dark and mouldy
the ignored rice in container 3 is the worst of them all
So it basically shows that positive words and energy really do have a tremendous positive effect on us, and which is why you should put "love" into your cooking :)
and I suppose being ignored is the worst kind of feeling that affects our well being.

Masaru Emoto's Rice Experiment

Amazing isn't it ?
But you know what..... Here's what I think
Dr. Masaru Emoto shows the beautiful Water crystals forming in Water when positive energy is applied, so it deals with water and it is proven with the water crystal photos.
So our positive energy is "detected" by Water
and since Water Vapour/Gas/Air forms Water forms Ice,
then If we will positive energy/happiness in our hearts/minds then the Air around us is also filled with positive energy.
So Positive affirmation, Good Positive thoughts, Healing Visualization, Laughter & Happiness really do add a major positive dose of pure goodness into our overall wellbeing.
It's even better to add faith and prayers :)

I actually just bought a glass water jug and I taped a piece of paper with "Love and Thank you" written on it. I wanna drink beautiful crystal water :p
Add the note on the back side of the jug where the words are facing the water and facing you too.
Why ? so that the water can "read" it and so that you can read it too. ;)
(On the right is my stainless steel kettle that I use to store my water because I'm trying to avoid plastic water container.)

Maybe the written note that says "Thank you", "Love", "God", "Peace", etc is a reminder for us and when we read "Thank you", "Love" before we drink our water, we actually emit that positive energy around us and benefit from it.
and Maybe those people who are enlightened and "awake" are always aware of this things and they don't need constant reminders like we do.

So, Read the books if you want to find out more and you can always simply just add a note "Love and Thank you" to your glass water jug or just simply be "aware" of the blessings that you have, the Love in your lives and be grateful at all times and you'll definitely benefit from the positive energy in all aspects of your lives, be it in health or in obtaining sincere happiness.