Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm ready to take more photos of happy me :)

So, sometimes I avoid taking photos,
especially without any make ups / skin cover ups.
because, well... I have white spots on my face.
It just doesn't feel right.
yea... my vitiligo doesn't bother me, but I just don't want to look at that photo.
I don't know.... I guess it does bother me.... a little bit.

Then I saw this article "Why do we avoid having our photo taken ?" in
Now I'm thinking " Why not ? "
I'm up for photos :D
I'll give the biggest warmest smile ever
I'll try to look my best everytime, with or without make up.
this is me being happy right now.
this is me right now.
and I accept and love me :)

Camera or No camera... I'm doing it.
Even when I just woke up, with squinted eyes, messy hair, dry skin.
I'd stand in front of the mirror with a big smile and say to myself "I look good today"
and guess what ?
I actually look good :)
It lifts up my spirit...... it just makes me feel good
and it honestly adds a spark in my eyes when I see myself in the mirror.

Try it !!
seriously, Try it :)
You'll see that it'll make you feel a whole lot better.