Sunday, August 30, 2009

Which Foods and Diet for Vitiligo

There are the Healthier Vegetarian Diet, then Vegan Diet, even Vegan-Raw Diet.
(I used to be on the Flexitarian Diet ;p)
Then there are the Vitiligo Diet, Candida Diet, Alkaline Diet.

So What do you eat to Heal Vitiligo ?
There are so many food suggestions and foods to avoid.
There are different types of diet
and YES, they are all so confusing.

example :
Alkaline Diet says low sugar fruits are good and they are very alkaline
(tomatoes, grapefruits, lemons, limes)

But Vitiligo diet days to avoid citrusy/sour fruits.
(tomatoes, grapefruits, lemons, limes are sour)
plus the Macrobiotic diet advices not to eat nightshade plants (tomatoes) because it contains solanine.

and if Vitiligo might be linked to Candida
then the Candida diet says to cut of all sugars, including sweet fruits
then some alkaline diet also suggests that sweet fruits are not good

Then, you must not eat meat.
Then, you must not eat this and that
Then, you must eat this and that
It's all very contradicting and confusing.

So what must you eat ?
All of that resctrictions leaves you with only vegetables.
Must everyone with Vitiligo have such strict diet ?
Must everyone with Vitiligo become Vegan ?
Hey I'm a happy Vegan right now, but when I was younger I couldn't think I could live if I was only eating vegetables and fruits, so I know what it feels like to not want to be a Vegan.

First of all,
It's good to know all those stuff.
Knowledge is always a good thing.

Then it comes back to you.
Everyone is different.
Our health doesn't only depends on our diet alone
it also depends on a lot of things that are linked to one another :
- our diet (Healthy Food - must like and enjoy the food)
- our environment (clean healthy environment vs polluted environment)
- our mental state (happy-sad),
- our physical state (fit-toned - need exercising/workout),
- our genetical traits (family medical history)
- our families and friends (for love and support)
- our motivations in life (find your purpose, make your life meaningful)

So even if you eat the healthiest food in the world, but if you hate the food, if you're sulking everytime you eat, the food won't do you any good.
If you're eating the best organic salad, but you're depressed, sad and lonely, then it's hard to be a healthier person.
Everything is linked together.

That's why it's important to have a Healthy and Happy Balanced Life.
You now have the knowledge about which foods are good and bad for you.
Don't get confused, just use your common sense.
But whatever your diet is, you must enjoy ur food, be happy when you're eating,
Know when to stop eating and don't overeat.
Know what Not to eat, yes that means eating more vegetables and fruits, that means eating Healthy Food, you know what they are, we all know what foods are beneficial for us, we just choose to ignore them and choose the easier-unhealthier options.
Listen to ur body, really.
and it starts now.... not after this last meal, not after tonight's dinner, not tomorrow,
Being healthy starts now :)

Get your dose of Happiness from other things aside from Food !!
Exercise regularly, make it Fun
Go outside, get some healthy morning sun.
Life your life, find a purpose
Laugh a lot, Breathe well
surround urself with loved ones
then u're there :)
It's that simple.
as with Vitiligo, it may go away, in time.
or it may not.
But it doesn't really matter anymore now, because with the way you're living your life :), you and everyone else may not even realize that it's there anymore.